Saturday, December 3, 2011

Curry, Curry Beef

I had a long day today and was craving something hearty for dinner. It had been a whiles since I had stocked up so I did not have too many options. I had some beef and coco bread (normally stuffed with a Jamaican beef patty) and pondered for a minute how I could combine the two. I think coco bread is fabulous for dunking in stews so I decided to make some curried beef. I am used to curried goat, chicken and fish. Rarely do I have curried beef, but I figured it’s the same concept and it’s quick, so I hooked it up!

The next day I had the curried beef with jasmine rice and broccoli. Delicious!!!

-       1 lb beef cut into ½ inch cubes
-       ½ large onion chopped
-       1 large potato cut into ½ inch cubes
-       2 clove garlic chopped
-       4 tablespoons oil
-       3 teaspoons curry powder
-       2 cups stock or water
-       Cayenne pepper to taste (optional)
Place beef in a bowl and season with 1 ½ teaspoon of curry powder. Set aside for 30 minutes
In the interim, chop onions and garlic and cube potatoes
After 30 minutes, heat oil in pot and sauté beef until brown
Add onions and garlic and sauté for another 5 minutes
Add potatoes and sauté for 2 minutes
Add remaining curry powder
Add a few shakes of pepper
Mix well so that beef and potatoes are coated
Add stock or water and bring to a boil
Let simmer for 30 – 60 minutes until beef is tender
Taste and adjust seasonings as desired by adding salt, pepper, garlic powder or curry powder if necessary
Serve with rice, coco bread or roti 

I used this Jamaican Curry Powder that I got from a local West Indian store in town. 

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