Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Love Costco!

Yes, I said it! I  Costco! Ok but really, I like when I have to go there because I get to taste test different foods. I have even gone there on an empty stomach and left pleasantly satisfied---hangs head low, but only for a second. You have got to admit, it is fun to walk around to the little stations and try new foods.

Any-who, the other day I was in Costco and did my usual “tour de food station” in between picking up the items that I actual went to buy. I stopped by a station that had some onion and garlic flat bread, took a piece, tasted it, thought it was good and started to walk away. After taking no more than three steps, I turned around, walked back to the station and picked up a bag that contained 2 flat breads for $3.79.

As I was driving home, I started to wonder what in the world I was going to do with 2lbs of flat bread! My saving grace is that the bread freezes well… according to the demo guy. We’ll have to wait and see.

So here are a few things I am thinking of using the flat bread for, a quick pizza, use as a burger bun, and dressed up bread sticks. Feel free to give suggestions...

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