Sunday, August 26, 2012

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

I had one of those rare moments last Sunday when I wanted nothing to do with meat. No beef, no chicken, no pork, none of it! This probably occurred because on Saturday I had gorged myself with jerk beef ribs, jerk chicken and jerk pork at a jerk festival that was hosted by a local Jamaican restaurant in my town. Yes, I had OD’d on meat and my body wanted nothing to do with it for a few days.

As I pondered what vegetable meal to prepare, I recalled my mother telling me that amongst other things, brussel sprouts are high in fiber and thus good for digestion and lowering cholesterol. 

Brussel sprouts have a bad rep, a lot of people don’t like them. I, on the other hand am a fan.  I love them steamed and tossed in butter, with the leaves separated and stir fried and oven roasted. Today’s recipe is for roasted brussel sprouts.


1 lb fresh brussel sprouts
3 T olive oil
1 T green seasoning
3 cloves garlic, chopped
Crushed sea salt and pepper


Preheat oven to 400F
Wash sprouts and remove any leaves that appear yellow or bruised and cut the sprouts in half
Place sprouts in baking dish
Add olive oil, green seasoning, garlic, salt and pepper to taste and toss
Place in oven and roast for 30 minutes, tossing occasionally
Remove from oven and serve as a side to any meal

Note: If you don’t have green seasoning a good substitute is a few shakes of dried oregano, parsley and thyme.

Thanks for stopping by J! Before you’re on to the next one leave a comment below and connect with me on Twitter and Facebook. One Love – SapBrown.

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