Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Oxtail and Beans Stew

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at home relaxing with the family. For the first time in a couple of years, I did not think about work. I usually check in while on vacation but thanks to limited internet service, I did not turn my work laptop on at all. It was truly a wonderful and relaxing vacation for me.

I spent a lot of time in the kitchen shadowing my parents and of course eating which resulted in me gaining a few extra pounds. There is nothing like being home and enjoying your parents cooking so I did not let the extra pounds stop me. I am struggling to work them off now :).

My parent’s home is known for good food. My brothers, their families, my brother’s friends and my parent’s friends are all known to stop by at random times during the day for some grub and almost always find something to eat. Feeling hungry? Stop by T67, and you will be fed.  

One of my Dad’s signature dishes is oxtail and beans stew. The oxtail is soft and succulent and the meat falls off the bones which you can also chew if that is your thing. Oxtail stew is almost always on the menu of most West Indian restaurants. Some make it with butter beans while others add a little browning or burnt brown sugar to give it a darker look and sweeter flavor. Either way, it is a great dish and I encourage you to try it.  

2 lbs oxtail
2 cups dry sugar beans
2 large potatoes, peeled
3 carrots cut into large chunks
1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
2 stock cubes
2 tbsp ketchup
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vinegar/lemon juice
1 hot pepper
Oil for frying (about 3 tbsp)

Seasoning Flour
1 cup flour
1 tsp dry thyme
1 tsp salt
½ tsp paprika
¼ tsp black pepper

Pressure cooker

Soak the beans in water at room temperature overnight or for about 1 hour in hot water
Clean oxtails
Combine all ingredients for seasoned flower.
Cover bottom of pressure cooker with enough oil for frying and heat.
Coat each piece of oxtail with seasoned flower and brown on all sides. Depending on the size of your pressure cooker and the oxtail, you may have to do a few at a time so as not to crowd the pan.
Once the oxtail has browned, add onions and garlic, stir and let cook for 2 minutes.
Drain beans and add to pressure cooker and stir.
Add enough water to cover all the ingredients in the pressure cooker.
Add cubes, ketchup, lemon juice/vinegar, hot pepper.
Bring to a boil, add whole potatoes, and carrots.
Reduce heat, cover and pressurize for 30 minutes.
Remove pressure cooker from heat and wait until pressure has been reduced prior to opening.
The potatoes should have remained whole, you can cut them into desired size prior to serving.
Serve hot with rice or ground provision.

Thanks for stopping by J! Before you’re on to the next one leave a comment below and connect with me on Twitter and Facebook. One Love – SapBrown.

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